21 May 2011

The first Heldendiner 2011 featuring Nicolette van Dam and Michiel Borstlap


A year after Aniek bravely departed from this world, her sister Jacobien Hendriksz organized the first Heldendiner.

Jacobien: “My greatest wish was to organize a fantastic benefit evening as a tribute to my sister Aniek, to draw attention to the fight against brain tumors. This proved to be a dual challenge, both in terms of organizing and focusing attention.”

Thanks to a special friend, Marcel Dijkhuizen, my dream for this Heldendiner became a reality. We found the perfect venue, the coach house of Cor van Zadelhoff. Famous Flavours transformed the location into a fairytale setting superbly. One thing led to another: the wonderful collaboration resulted in unexpected and unparalleled outcomes.

Nicolette van Dam, a friend of Aniek’s, emotionally opened and led this special evening. She spoke about Aniek’s struggle and determination. Many fantastic artists such as classical duo pianist Klára Würtz and violinist Edmond Fokker van Crayestein, opera singer Martine Wilbrink, performed for approximately 200 dear guests. An engaging lecture by a deeply committed neurosurgeon followed, along with a collective toast and a goosebumps moment when Martine Wilbrink began her opera.

The auction, featuring items like a trip to Mozambique and a Rolling Stones artwork, was a great success, raising over 80,000 euros. Renowned jazz artist Michiel Borstlap ended the evening in a dazzling manner. “There was much discussion long after this first Heldendiner.”