We are 100% committed to the fight against brain tumors in adults and children.

At the Brain & Co Foundation, we are dedicated to securing more funding for extensive research and improved treatments for brain tumors in both adults and children.


The name Brain & Co

The name Brain & Co was chosen to appeal to a broader audience and to strengthen the focus on brain tumors, aiming to garner more support and engagement, particularly from potential supporters, donors, and stakeholders who wish to contribute to the fight against brain tumors.

A growing health issue

Ondanks de stijgende incidentie blijft de aandacht voor hersentumoren vaak onderbelicht. De complexiteit van het brein en de variabiliteit van de tumoren dragen bij aan een gebrek aan algemene bewustwording.


Number of people diagnosed with malignant brain tumors in 2022.


Number of children diagnosed with malignant brain tumors in 2022.


Percentage of individuals diagnosed with malignant brain tumors who are older than 45 years.


Percentage of individuals who are still alive 5 years after diagnosis.

Never give up, never surrender

Wij ondersteunen baanbrekend onderzoek naar hersentumoren

Samen kunnen we Antoni van Leeuwenhoek en het Prinses Máxima Centrum helpen levens te redden en hoop te bieden aan volwassenen én kinderen die vechten tegen hersenkanker.

The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Institute in Amsterdam provides advanced care, research, and treatment for cancer, with worldwide recognition and a focus on improving cure rates.

Founded in 2018, the Princess Máxima Center leads the treatment of childhood cancer in the Netherlands. The center provides specialized care, pools expertise and research, and collaborates with 17 hospitals.